Tuesday, April 26, 2011


~Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay~
 By: Arianna Bresnan
The skills learned in school are very important. They can teach students responsibility, organization, collaboration, Creativity, leadership, and involvement. These are all skills that are needed in the real world. If a person does not know any of these skills, they will not be successful. Five of the most important skills learned are collaboration, organization, real world skills, memorable, and involvement. There are many skills that are learned during tests, reading, and essays, but doing hands on projects are the best way to learn important skills.
Organization teaches the students leadership. In Mr. Provenzano’s classes the students choose the job they want. They choose their top three and are given one of those jobs. The students are then allowed to take control of their job. They pursue the job anyway they want as long as it follows the guidelines. The students have individual freedom. They do not have to do the same job everyone else does. It keeps them more interested and it teaches the students that they can learn in a more interesting way. The students must stay on task and keep their items organized so that everything goes smoothly. The students organize many things, such as; a good time to meet, where to meet, what will happen, the schedule. Organization is needed for everything to go smoothly just like real world skills are needed.
Real world skills are always needed. The students learned how to use different programs on the computer. They learned how to use many computer programs that they will need to know how to use later in life. They learned different skills that they could use any day. They most importantly learned responsibility. The students learned to use Blogger, Skype, Kidblog, Turnitin, Wiki, and many other useful websites. The websites helped the students connect with each other. The students will need to know how to use these tech tools later in life. They will need them for important tasks such as interviews, advertising, and turning in papers at school. The websites are very useful for all things. Real world skills were taught in Mr. Provenzano’s class, as memories were made.
            There are many memories made in high school. The best memories come from friends, and fun. Students make memories while doing hands on projects because they remember projects more than they would remember a project. If students were to remember a paper, it could be because of how hard or stressful it was to write the essay. With tests it is the same, students may remember the test, but because it was hard, or studying for it was stressful and it took a lot of time. People still to this day reference about something they remember about high school, and it is certainly not about a long paper, or a hard test. It was about a fun, memorable project they remember. Making friends and having people help you are great ways to connect to each other and remember what it’s really about. School is more about tests, and essays. It is about memories and friendships. Not only are memories made, but involvement is learned during hands on projects.
Over all, the students are involved in the hands on project. The hands on projects teach students real world skills. It teaches the students to be more involved in jobs, than an essay. It helps the students understand that there is more to learning then just writing. The students are reading in depth, they discuss the topics, and have different points of view. The students are connected to each other through the involvement of the project. That is needed in real world because they need to be able to discuss and take in other’s idea, and consider that maybe their idea isn’t always the best. They need to know to work together and learn new things. They need to get involved with all the different jobs, and to be able to help if necessary. Just like involvement, collaboration is an important skill that the students learned.
Collaboration is to cooperate and work well with others. Collaboration is needed in life so someone isn’t too independent, and learns to work well with others. In Mr. Provenzano’s classes the students work with each other, and students from another school. They learn to be helpful and to depend on others, not just themselves. The students stay connected through blogs, social websites, and phone calls. If someone is known to work well with others they will be accepted in life easier than someone who does not work well with others. Lots of jobs involve many people to finish a job. People have to work well with others, and get along. Social skills are also key, if someone is a manager they are needed to cooperate with others and be able to talk to them in an appropriate way. This skill is needed in life because if someone is in a large business they need to be able to talk internationally and cooperate. If more than one person is needed to finish a job, collaboration is helpful so you can communicate nicely with one another.  
There are many techniques learned in school. They are all useful and important skills learned, but doing hands on projects are the best way to learn. Students learn many things. They learn collaboration, organization, real world skills, memorable, and involvement. They learn things you can’t learn from writing an essay, or taking a test. Hands on projects are by far the best way to learn new skills.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So, as you can see by my title, this is my last post. I know so sad, but it's true. I am going to write about how fun it was. I honestly think this was the best project I have done in my all k-9 years of being at school. It was so fun, and exciting and working with Van Meter was really great. I met cool people, and learned things about my friends that I didn't know. I became friends with new people here at South. Also, it didn't take that much work on my part, so it was fun and simple. I wish I was needed more, but it's ok that I wasn't. Thanks to everyone that was following my posts and helping me with my costume, acting, and learning what to do. It was really great and I hope this comes out great :) BYE!! HAVE A SUPER AWESOME WEDNESDAY!!

~Arianna~ XP

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, since I am done filming and everything I really don't know what to do. We were going to film more, and be finished this saturday, but something was screwed up and now we have to film next week monday and wednesday. I don't have to be in it, but if I'm needed I'll gladly be avaliable. The party has been
rescheduled to a date that isn't set up yet. During 6th hour there is filming being done in the Library. The two Friar's scenes. HAVE A GREAT DAY! :D BYE!

~Arianna Bresnan~

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

~Blog again!!~

I'm really excited because we are almost done filming. Our party is coming up soon, and I am planning on bringing things for it. It's this saturday, and it's going to be really fun. Since I am Lady Montague, Romeo's mom, I am already dead. In the play I really don't have anything more to do. It's told that I am dead in scene 3. I died because I was sad about my son (Romeo's) banishment. I am willing to help in any more way I can. Tell me if there's anything I can do =) HAVE A GREAT DAY!! BYE!!!

~Arianna Bresnan~ XD

Friday, April 1, 2011

~Writing about whatever I want.~

 I don't think anyone wants me to actually write what is on my mind, so I will write about what we filmed on monday. It was very good and a nice progress. I was a extra for the dancing scene, but it took a long time to get through. We had to decorate and then dress up and "dance". It was really weird because we had to dance to no music, but it ended up being really fun. If all the extras weren't there the scene wouldn't have worked, so I felt important and helpful. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!! :)

~Arianna~ XP

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


On Saturday we did Scene 1 Act 1, It was a challenge for everyone to stay focused, but it was fun for the most part. It was a complete disaster because everyone was excited and acting crazy. We had to film the scenes a few times. Since people couldn't show up and people just left early it was hard and we had to improvise. We also did the scene where Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. People were acting goofy and unorganized, but it finally worked out. We filmed for 2 hours and got 9 minutes of footage. It was still fun.

~Arianna Bresnan~

Thursday, March 24, 2011


OK! I am here! late, but here. The director for act one still hasn't said anything about shooting on a certain day. Honestly, I won't be needed for that long. Two lines doesn't need to be reshot over and over and over. So! I am actaully really excited to do this. I hope after I film my one part someone will assign me a new job, or else I'll be writing about absolutly nothing for the next few weeks. I hope this is fun and not stressful for anyone! BYE!!! XP

~Arianna Bresnan~

Days I am avaliable

Friday, March 25-after 5:30pm
Saturday, March 26- not at all
Sunday, March 27-after 5:00pm
Monday, March 28-after 5:30pm
Tuesday, March 29-after 6:00pm
Wednesday, March 30-after 5:00pm
Thank you!

~Arianna Bresnan~ XP

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Third blog!!!! XP

So, I've memorized my few lines already, and in class we are talking about what we're going to do. I am ready for doing the scene, or helping in any way I can. I play a principal/mom. I supposivly run the private school with my "husband". Tomorrow morning at 7:15 I have to be in the class room and we are going to discuss what is going on. I really don't understand what exactly I'm going to have to do, but I know I'll be ready. BYE!!! :)

~Arianna Bresnan~ XP

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~Arianna's Second Blog~

I just relized that the actors have to create two blogs every week. I am not very excited to do that. Since I am Lady Montague I am in Act 1 Scene 1. My lines are on the second page, and I enter with "Montague" and am worried about Romeo. I have already memorized my lines. This is going to be a lot easier than I thought. Later in the play I die because I am so torn about my son Romeo being banished. I don't actually think I'm actually on stage very much, but maybe if I am am lucky I will get to do more. BYE! =)

~Arianna Bresnan~

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My job

Hi, I am Arianna Bresnan, I love English and I love to read books. It is pretty much my favorite thing to do next to listening to music. I auditioned in the play to be anything. I don't mind my role, and am excited about it. I think the best part is going to be recording the scenes. In the play I am Lady Montague, I think the easiest part in doing this is going to be learning and memorizing the lines. I have been in a few plays and was in drama for 3 years at my middle school, I am in Destination Imagination which is an acting/ improv club. I want this to be fun and work out. I think the hardest part will be keeping a straight face while recording, but I will do my best. the least thing I'm excited about is being an "older" lady in the play, but I think it will be funny and I want to see how I'll act. This is going to be funny, weird, and a new experience!  BYEEEE!!!!!!!!! XP

~Arianna Bresnan~